The Naive Wife (Rachel’s Hope)

The Naive Wife (Rachel's Hope) - N1250!

Rachel’s Hope picks up from Rachel’s Diary, after she is confronted with the truth about her husband…or is it? Rachel’s not sure about a lot of things anymore, but she’s sure of one; God loves her. In that, she has hope.

Through the challenges of her marriage, a dream is birthed. Rachel discovers that she is well-positioned to help other women in need and seizes the opportunity with both hands. By providence, she meets Isaiah, a widower with a little girl, who loves God and, as she later discovers, loves her too. Rachel finds herself confronted with another choice to make.

Will she seize this opportunity for a new love, or will the old love of her life win the battle for her heart?

Rachel’s Hope is the last book in The Naive Wife Trilogy about love, faith, and marriage. It deals with hard truths about our world and our hearts, and it may just give you a whole new perspective on life. It is a must-read for singles and married folks alike.


22 thoughts on “The Naive Wife (Rachel’s Hope)”

  1. Ebos Aifuobhokhan

    A beautiful conclusion to the Naive Wife Trilogy.

    I loved how every character got an appropriate ending to their individual stories. The twists and turns of the story was so unexpected but very enjoyable.

    I loved how the author brought faith to play in the mundane situations of life. Very applicable principles of faith to be gleaned from this book.

    The books of the trilogy are best read in order.

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  2. Folashade Oguntoyinbo

    Reading The Naive Wife Trilogy was such an awesome experience for me.

    I Iearnt to have hope against hope. Even when all seems lost, broken and defeated, God stills remains faithful.

    I was so much in love with Rachel’s character in the first series, then I got so disgusted and irritated by her naiveness and stupid acceptance of her marriage situation.

    However, the last series got me so excited at how she was able to navigate through her emotions, and found peace and reassurance in God’s unfailingly love.

    The divine ability to also forged ahead with her personal life; relationship, business and family really did it for me.

    Thank you so much #ufuomaee, for constantly showcasing Christ to the world through your gifts.

    You have fully expressed God’s redemption plan for mankind through your writing.

    Thank you once again.

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  3. I remember the question that boggled my mind after finishing Rachel’s Choice, the first in this trilogy – How is this story going to end? Rachel’s Hope answers that question in such a satisfying way, yet not easily predictable. (Let’s not even talk about that epic epilogue).

    I particularly love how Rachel’s Hope in a way circles back to her making a major choice, just like it was in the beginning, but you can tell she has grown over the years.

    What Ufuomaee has done with THE NAIVE WIFE trilogy is truly priceless; an absolutely brilliant job. She switches between various areas of everyday life, from business, friendships, family, religion, music, to career, motherhood, networking, (the list is almost endless) in such a seamless fashion.

    The book is so relatable and practical, as we clearly see and learn from the lives of the everyday Rachel, Doug, Ejike, Isaiah, Mrs Eden, Bose, Ekene, Rochelle and co.

    The bible references are apt. The romance is hot. The music choices are lovely. The storyline is unpredictable. The suspense is well held. The lessons are clear. The story is… very well told.

    The book just had to end with a “happy”, and while it might not be the typical way the religious folks might predict, I absolutely love it. It reflects nothing short of God’s love.

    I recommend this book to anyone who loves Christian fiction. Well done, Ufuomaee. God bless you

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  4. This highly rated book and highly anticipated book

    I have not been able to read

    It has been unavailable on BAMBOOKs in the last 72 hours

    Ufuomaee, Biko, help your fans

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  5. I enjoyed reading all the three books: Rachel’s Choice, Rachel’s Diary, and Rachel’s Hope.
    The Naive Wife Trilogy is a conversational piece and a must read for all.
    It got me to appreciate my husband more.
    The book surely attest to God is love and faithful to see one through and bring one out of any mistakes.

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    1. chaiii three gbosa ✊✊✊ for the author of this book (ufuomaee)the interesting thing about her books is that you can relate very well with it, you are too much jare ??? . Have learnt a lot from this book, What do you look out for, what are the red flags, recognizing inner and outside pressures(this one really got me), and dealing with them before making a choice.No be small thing choosing a life partner, and even generally in our religion walk as believers, patience is basic sha (This can be tough something oooo) but it is necessary. It is also good to have the right people around you and with the help of God. Has been said that your choice of a life spouse can make or damage you.
      Can’t say it all this book is loaded it tells it all. The naive wife trilogy is recommended for all not only singles read it and thank me later. God bless the author the stream you are drawing inspiration from will never run dry.

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  6. I yelled, laughed, groaned, teased, spoke in tongues and considered murder by blood bending as I read the Naive Wife Trilogy by Ufuomaee. The stories are relatable, the themes captivating and the characters remind me of people I’ve known or know. This is a well-crafted body of work that fully entertains while drawing attention to the vital issues of relationships, marriages and our approach to them as believers. Ufuoma highlights foolish decisions without degrading the decision-makers. She shows the frailty of those who try to do good and the availability of grace for all. She addresses difficult subjects showing the dilemma of making tough decisions. She places before her readers the tension between love and justice. I found all three books both exciting and enriching. Single, married, separated, divorced, whatever your status, this book is highly recommended.

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  7. Tick, says the clock, tick tick. What you have to do do quick.

    This nursery school rhyme is what I’d use to describe the way that society mounts pressure on (mature) single people to get married. And the fact that The Naive Wife Trilogy explores this subject is one reason everyone should pay attention to the books.

    Meet our main character, Rachel Eden. Christian woman. Career Girl. Relationship and Marriage Teacher. Unmarried.

    And at 32, all eyes are on Rachel to bring a man home. Her biological clock is fast ticking away too.

    Rachel makes a choice between Ejike and Doug. Only, she discovers too late that the man she chose is full of surprises.

    Let me quote something I saw on a friend’s WhatsApp story;

    ‘Wake up. Don’t be carried away by assumptions, display and eye service gangsters…. Better build your relationship with God and earnestly covet the Spirit of discernment. May you not be shocked.”

    Sometimes I asked myself, “What did Rachel do wrong that she ended up with that man?” I guess she was carried away by her assumptions about him. And haste. Shows that assumption and haste can be costly.

    In Rachel’s Choice, the main character decides to leave the Singles club and gets married even though she’s uncertain about some things in her man.

    In Rachel’s Diary, she realizes she’s made a mistake after all and decides to make things work in her heart and home. But does she succeed?

    Rachel’s Hope is the final book where Rachel finds new strength and joy. I’m glad the last book ended the way it did,lol.

    The Naive Wife Trilogy is a story of love, marriage, disappointments and hope. It is one that packs timely godly lessons for women like me and you. And for men too. This collection will teach you, inspire you and give you hope whatever stage you are in your relationship. A worthwhile read indeed.

    Thank you so much Ufuomaee for sharing this needed and important message with our world.

    I’m glad I started my reading year off savouring and learning from this beautiful collection.

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  8. THE NAIVE WIFE is incredible… I am indeed wowed by your explicit teaching. The story looks so real and engaging. ??. I’m so impressed at how educating and inspiring the books are. Thank you so much!!!

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  9. The writer, Ufuoma did such an amazing job. I will highly recommend every christian woman (single and married) to read the Native wife trilogy as it touched on so many key points.

    The fear of not making a mistake , eventually led Rachel to make the wrong decision, as christians.. sometimes we allow fear to cloud our judgement even to the point of misinterpreting what God is trying to say to us.

    Also, I love how the story highlights the fact that as human beings we tend to focus on the surface level of things, instead of looking deeper.. especially when it comes to a person’s character.. the fact that someone is always at church is not an automatic testament to the state of their heart.

    I love how God’s love was depicted in this story, clearly showing that even when we make mistakes he is with us all the way and still has amazing plans for us ,..if only we continue to let him into our hearts and our spaces.

    People also need to learn how to ask engaged couples the important questions, to leave room for the couple to open up about any doubt or red flags they can see but previously too scared to point out, instead of dismissing them.

    Pastors are not automatic counsellors, the church need to work on providing educated and qualified christian professionals to take up the role.

    Many more lessons, but let me leave it here.

    God bless you, Ufuoma.. your books certainly touched and blessed me and I’m sure many other women will be blessed by it.

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  10. Joycelyn Adegbite

    I didn’t think I’d give the book a chance after scheming through the first book and seeing how she ended up with a bad choice. But with these comments it’s like I will😩

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