The Marriage ABCs

The Marriage ABCs - N2000!

The Marriage ABCs is the ultimate Christian's guide to living for Christ in your marriage. It uses the 26 letters of the alphabet to share many truths about love, marriage, and our life in Christ. If you are single, you will be well-equipped to enter marriage with the right person and the right perspective. And if you're already married, it will inspire you, challenge you, and encourage you to abide, to love like God, and to overcome the many trials and tribulations along the way.

If you've read and loved Ufuomaee's stories, such as The Church Girl, Perfect Love, An Emotional Affair, or the latest, The Naive Wife Trilogy, then you will certainly appreciate this amazing collection.


2 thoughts on “The Marriage ABCs”

  1. I asked a question and The Marriage ABCs not only answered it but also presented a broader roadmap that every single person like me could use and one that married couples can apply to almost every season of their union.

    Ufuomaee uses a dynamic pattern – all 26 letters of the alphabet – to establish the concept of love and marriage, with God and His design for marriage as seen in scripture holding center stage.

    The Marriage ABCs is thorough in its approach and how it shows the virtues that married couples should embrace and one that the unmarried should put in their bucket list for when love find them. The book talks about some of the least talked about subjects in love relationships especially in Christian circles -sex and sexual compatibility, for instance- while still maintaining God’s rule on chastity before marriage.

    Even though the book discusses love and romance in marriage, it does not romanticize marriage but regards marriage as deeper than feelings.

    If you’ve thought of marriage as a means to an end or as the most important thing in life, then you need to read The Marriage ABCs.

    If marriage for you is something to get out of once love begins to wane, this book is also for you.

    If you find yourself in an abusive marriage and you don’t know what to do, The Marriage ABCs is that guide that you need.

    The Marriage ABCs is sure to answer the deep questions in your heart about marriage as well as some others you’ve probably never thought to ask.

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