
Thank you for visiting my website.  I hope you enjoy your stay.  Here are the terms of our engagement if you decide to use this site to purchase and read books by me (Ufuoma Emerhor-Ashogbon aka Ufuomaee).

Privacy Policy

This site uses cookies to remember my visitors and users and their preferences.  If you decide to register on the site, you will be required to submit your full name, a username, and an email address only.  You may also submit your phone number.  Please note that these details will always remain private to you, and will not be shared with any third party (not even my charity, Fair Life Africa, unless you specifically decide to sign up for our updates :)).  You will also have the choice to opt in for updates from me and from this site.  Your details and contact information will never be used nor shared without your explicit knowledge and approval.

Copyright Notice

By using this site, you agree to respect my right as the Author and copyright owner of all the content on this site.  You are not permitted to retrieve information or data from this site, either by screenshots, downloads, printing, copying or any attempt at duplicating, either by reproducing the content or plagiarism.  You are not permitted to use your genius to try to overwrite the security measures put in place on this site to protect the copyright owner, their content or the users of this site.  You may not reproduce any material on this site, whether for non-profit or commercial gain, in any other format, without the express written approval of the copyright owner (Ufuomaee).

Sharing Policy

You are free to use the buttons provided to share the links to contents on this site to invite your friends, family and acquaintances to visit and use the site as well.   However, you may not grant anyone access to your account, whether for free or for profit, in order that they may use the site without approval from the author.  Each user must have their own account and protect their access to it.  Abusers will be deleted immediately without warning and banned from using the site again.

Download Policy

This site is read-only, so you will not be given access to download books you have purchased.  They will always be available to read and are accessible via your account page, as long as you choose to be a user of the site.  If you would like to discontinue use of the site, you may do so at anytime.  However, if you would like to retain access to the ebooks you have purchased, you will need to submit a “closure of account” request by emailing me@ufuomaee.com, and your account will be deleted after your ebooks have been sent to you.  You may not reactivate nor create a new account for at least 12 months thereafter.  This is to prevent people abusing the site and its content.  However, this offer does not apply to books bought on discount or given for free.

Redistribution Policy

Regardless, please note that you are not permitted to share/redistribute/sell ebooks obtained from this site, whether purchased or not.  Such is piracy and is a punishable offence.  Please encourage others to patronise me via this site or through other reputable websites that I choose to make my books available, such as, but not limited to Okadabooks, Bambooks and Amazon.  Thank you.

Patron Appreciation

Patrons may be given early and/or exclusive access to the ebooks on this site as an appreciation of their support.  Patrons do not buy books, and may not be given any or all ebooks accessible on their account, at anytime that they decide to discontinue their patronage.  Patron support is freely given, without any commitments, as an appreciation of Ufuomaee’s ministry.  Aside access to the content on this site, all my patrons may be granted access to new sites and materials (e.g. audio books, paperbacks and films) as they are created by Ufuomaee.

Refund Policy

Please note that all payments made via this site are final and will not be reversed.  If you are unhappy with the book you have purchased, you may express your dissatisfaction via a review of the book, and your criticism will be acknowledged and taken as a lesson.  If you have problems with accessing the book you have purchased and do not wish to exchange your access for another book available on the site, you will be given credit to purchase another book in the future, if you decide to keep your account open.  If you close your account without obtaining the ebook you purchased, you are free and welcome to re-open or create a new account at anytime in the future.

Review Guidelines

You are invited to drop your kind reviews on the About page of each book.  Your support in this regard will be much appreciated.  All comments will however be screened before approval, due to the nature of the Internet and spammers, not because I don’t appreciate critical reviews (please feel free!).  Please note that abusive, disrespectful, discriminatory or offensive comments or reviews will not be approved.  Repeat offenders may be blocked from commenting and/or reading.

Service Policy

I aim to provide a professional service to you and will endeavour to make sure that this site is always accessible and safe for you to use.  Please note that there may be a slight delay between payment for your ebook and its accessibility on your account.  Your account will be updated as soon as I receive confirmation of payment for your order.  Due to time-difference, this might mean a wait of a few hours for International users.  Please be understanding.  If you have any concerns, complaints, or requests about how the site can function better for my users, feel free to contact me@ufuomaee.com to express them.

Limitation Of Liability

Due to the nature of the content on this site, do take note that in no event shall this site nor its author be held liable for any damages or losses from the use of this website or other affiliated sites.

Amendment Of Terms

These terms may be amended without notice to you.  Please check back to ensure that you are still in agreement with these terms of use.  Your continued use of this site will be taken as your full consent of these terms, and Ufuomaee will not be liable for any inconveniences brought about by any ignorance, misunderstanding, or misuse of this site.  Thank you once again for choosing to patronise me.

This website is governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Last updated: 23/July/23

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